Feb 26, 2025  ::  28 Shevat 5785
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JACS or Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant others has been meeting at the Temple every Wednesday evening at 6 PM since 2002.

JACS is a twelve step focused group, but unlike other 12 step groups, JACS focuses on Jewish traditions and their relationship to the individuals’ program. The group is not designed to take the place of any other 12 step programs (AA, NA, SA, OA, etc.), but rather to augment those programs. Most members of the JACS group have been active in recovery for many years and find this group adds an important facet to their recovery program. Newcomers to recovery are welcomed.

The group over the years has been fortunate to have had the support of the rabbinic community in Nashville, many of whom have come to individual meetings to share a Davar Torah appropriate to the meeting.

The meetings begin with a reading from Jewish sources, and then proceeds with discussions of how these readings apply to their individual lives. The meetings have grown over the years with increased membership.

Each year the group has hosted a Seder for the Nashville recovery community. The numbers of attendees has increased every year.


JACS, an organization led by volunteers, is dedicated to:

1. Encourage and assist Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent persons and their families, friends and associates to explore recovery in a nurturing Jewish environment by conducting meetings, retreats and other events that provide support to Jews in recovery;

2. Promote knowledge and understanding of the disease of alcoholism and chemical dependency as it involves the Jewish Community; and

3. Act as a resource center and information clearinghouse on the effects of alcoholism and drug dependency on Jewish family life.

Jews Helping Jews

JACS is a voluntary mutual-help group for Jews in recovery from Alcohol and other chemical abuse. Through JACS, recovering Jews and their families connect with one another, explore their Jewish roots, and discover resources within Judaism to enhance their recovery.

JACS supplies links to Jewish belief and tradition that enhance recovery and supplement the work most of our members do in 12 step fellowships. JACS members represent the entire spectrum of Jewish experience, background, affiliation and observance.

The Social Action Committee is very proud to support the JACS Program.

Click Here to visit JACS national web site.

Contact the JACS Chairperson

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